Welcome to Balance Reiki
Reiki can help you rebalance the energy flowing through your physical and emotional being, and out into your life. Sometimes we become unbalanced, giving away too much energy to work and others. As a result, vital energy we need for regulating all the systems of our bodies is drained. We become physically and emotionally weak.
A Reiki practitioner can sense energy deficits in your body and, using ancient techniques, can shift vital energies to where they are needed to re-balance you. These techniques, thousands of years old, are non-invasive and can support any other healing modality you may be using without contraindications.
Balance-Reiki is all about helping others to re-center, re-balance, release stress, find inner peace, and gain personal clarity through energy work.

Reiki Healing
This can be used in conjunction with other alternative therapies. It takes into account the whole person and helps activate each patient’s natural healing processes as well as restoring their physical and emotional well-being.